LINE - 2018040?《媽祖小默娘 2 真誠有禮貌的連續貼》上架公告。(ゝ∀・) | <The Lucky Girl Mazu 2>  

懇請給素人插畫創作者 LINE Creator - Sitara一些鼓勵和分享支持,感謝!ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡


LINE - 2018(107年)3.4月統一發票中獎號碼  



祝你中獎囉! (^_っ^)



LINE - 20180410《媽祖小默娘 2 真誠有禮貌的連續貼》上架公告。(ゝ∀・) | <The Lucky Girl Mazu 2>  




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The stickers I have created actual sales usually in the seabed, so My article contents will be placed ads in Blog. Forgiveness please,thx.(*ˇωˇ*人)


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