懇請給素人插畫創作者 LINE Creator - Sitara一些鼓勵和分享支持,感謝!ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡
The 5 Lucky Guys of the LINE@ List:
1.LINE NAME:郭峻誠(Sitara-LINE@-38)(已贈)
2.LINE NAME:雅靜(Sitara-LINE@-47)
3.LINE NAME:珠珠(Sitara-LINE@-95)
4.LINE NAME:馬拉拉(Sitara-LINE@-105)(已贈)
5.LINE NAME:美足(Sitara-LINE@-117)(已贈)
LINE客服在上周提出問題後一直沒有收到回覆,事後LINE@有恢復正常,所以我以為是短暫異常的關係。( ºΔº )
請大家告知有參與🌟Sitara在LINE@舉辦活動的的親朋好友σ ゚∀ ゚) ゚∀゚)σ
2016.1.16~1.23 23:59(GMT+8)
Please Feel Free To Share!
為慶祝Sitara 1月最新上架的《來自Sitara的嫩Q如意猴》舉辦抽獎活動。
+LINE@(@rtn0852n)&"LIKE+SHARE" the event post during the event on the LINE@,you will have the opportunity to get prizes.
02.___《One set stickers by Sitara<The stickers which Sitara can buy in Taiwan.>》DESIGN BY Sitara.
公告(Announcement Time):
領獎(Award):請幸運兒於公告3日內將LINE ID以私訊方式通知Sitara的LINE@【@rtn0852n】,待確認互為好友後 Sitara會盡快將禮物贈出。
The lucky guy sends message with your LINE ID to Sitara of LINE@(ID:@rtn0852n) in Announcements released 3 days , when checking you and Sitara are friends , the creators will send the prize to you as soon as possible.
Please note that there is a time limit to accept the award fails to designate , thank you~
P.S. Sitara第一次使用LINE@舉辦抽獎,如有意外或不足之處敬請見諒!
The first event was helded by Sitara on the LINE@, if any accidents or deficiencies please forgive me!
I need income of ads to continue my creation in the material world.(Please do not deliberately click,3Q)
The stickers I have created actual sales usually in the seabed, so My article contents will be placed ads in Blog. Forgiveness please,thx.(*ˇωˇ*人)