懇請給素人插畫創作者 LINE Creator - Sitara一些鼓勵和分享支持,感謝!ヾ(●゜▽゜●)♡
這張超夢幻又甜蜜蜜滴美人魚貼圖是情人節限定版喲~( ゚∀゚) ノ♡
連LINE STORE都沒有的特別福利呢!( ♥д♥)
只在PChome IM 免費下載
Google Play/App Store 搜尋【PChome IM】免費下載安裝
LINE - 201508014《Mermaid Fairy U & MI》系列上架公告~~。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。
I need income of ads to continue my creation in the material world.(Please do not deliberately click,3Q)
The stickers I have created actual sales usually in the seabed, so My article contents will be placed ads in Blog. Forgiveness please,thx.(*ˇωˇ*人)