這是我第一組上架的貼圖《星躍兔&馬克杯&幼幼貓》!( *´◒`*)
2017/05/16 更新標題中文版星躍兔&馬克杯&幼幼貓
2017/05/18 Status: Approved
This is my first stiker "Timothy & Allen & Yolanda" in LINE!( *´◒`*)
I created the Jumping Star Rabbit(Timothy) & Mugs(Allen) & the Cat Paw(Yolanda) in 2014. Finally, it was on sale on 2015/4/5 in LINE!(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
I need income of ads to continue my creation in the material world.
The stikers I have created actual sales usually in the seabed, so My article contents will be placed ads in Blog. Forgiveness please,thx.(*ˇωˇ*人)